Just How Big A Problem Is Nepotism In NFL Coaching?

I counted 111 NFL coaches who are related to a current or former NFL coach. 78.3 percent are white. How does that impact the league's goal of increasing opportunities for minorities?
One young assistant coach who is a member of a minority group told me:"What am I working hard for? I don’t have a last name that is recognizable, then it’s kind of for nothing."

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Kalyn Kahler
The 16 Lawsuits Filed Against Deshaun Watson Tell One Story

If you set aside the many public statements by both sides, what remains are 16 court documents. The following details are from the information provided in the 16 civil lawsuits filed so far to the district court of Harris County, Texas. They all describe events that they say take place between March of 2020 and March of 2021, with all but two describing events in 2020. The suits all outline similar situations using very specific language, which reveal a pattern in how Watson allegedly found and assaulted these women.

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Kalyn Kahler